25 April 2009

getting tense

When my friend said that's why school was closed, I laughed.
Influenza, like that movie we watched in sophomore Bio.

Here's the deal:
My school is shut down until May 6th.
This is...unbelievable.
I might leave the city if that is at all possible.

No one REALLY knows anything. It is my belief that numbers are being over-reported in the US and under-reported here in terms of the number of people taken ill. CNN says 1000, Mexican newspapers only discuss deaths. No one really knows those numbers either, but yesterday the count was 20 dead in the city, around 60 dead between a few states within the country.
Museums are closed, metro use has been discouraged.
Someone planted the 'quarantine' seed of thought and now it is roto-tilling in this brain.

Here we go.


  1. Si esta fuerte eso de la influenza en mi blog ha habido diversas opiniones acerca de esto si gustas pasar a darle una checada seria interesante la opinion de alguien que no es de MéXICO wwww.mexicochilangolandia.blogspot.com

  2. holy crap!! just wear a light scarf over your mouth at all time... just kidding. stay healthy!

  3. oh, dear. get a lot of reading done?
